February 11, 2020Shawn LaneConsumer Credit Expert Good credit is a lifelong journey. It’s not something you can work to earn and then forget about once you reach your goal. Just like you need to constantly take care of your health by eating right and exercising, your credit requires constant attention. Learning good credit habits is a great place to start. …
3 Steps to Overcome Identity Theft
June 27, 2018 Shawn Lane Consumer Credit Expert Identity theft isn’t a 4-letter word, but it probably should be. If you have ever been a victim of identity theft then you are sure to agree. It is a scary unsettling crime, which can haunt you for many years, unless you take control of the situation. What Is Identity Theft? Identity …
Buying a Home With Less Than Perfect Credit
October 16, 2017 Shawn Lane Consumer Credit Expert Is your goal to purchase a home in the near future? If so, there is a checklist of qualification standards you are going to need to meet before a lender will approve your mortgage application. Among other requirements, this checklist includes proof of steady employment and income, acceptable debt-to-income ratios (can you …