June 14, 2018 Shawn Lane Consumer Credit Expert Basic credit common sense tells you that paying your bills on time is essential to maintaining a good credit rating. What you may not realize, however, is that your payment history is only one component of good credit. Payment history absolutely matters, but keeping your payments on time alone is not enough …
4 Credit Mistakes You Can Teach Your Children to Avoid
May 15, 2018 Shawn Lane Consumer Credit Expert As a parent, you are responsible for teaching your kids many different important life lessons. When they are young, you help them learn how to walk and talk. A few years later, you start teaching your kids about reading, writing, and arithmetic. Yet somewhere between lessons about the golden rule and the …
Credit score confusion….Why are all my credit scores different?
June 25, 2017 Shawn Lane Consumer Credit Expert Why your lender’s credit scores look so different from the scores you pulled online The credit world is positively full of myths and misconceptions. One such misconception is the idea that you have only one credit score (or even one credit score from each of the 3 credit bureaus). In reality, nothing …